Here, we live, work and play along the Snake River. Its four locks and dams enable us to ship our crops, water our land and power our businesses. They also enhance our quality of life by giving our inland communities access to boating, fishing, swimming and more.
Celebrate the Snake with us Saturday, June 14, 2025 at the beautiful riverfront Boyer Park & Marina from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Enjoy live music, a complimentary barbecue lunch and Ferdinand's classic ice cream while supplies last. Activities for kids of all ages will be available on land and in the water, along with various exhibitors offering river-themed entertainment and giveaways.
Additionally, a free shuttle will be available (times to be determined) from the park at for guided tours of Lower Granite Lock & Dam with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Sign up for a tour at the Corps' booth near the welcome tent.
Every part of the festival is free and open to the public! Never pay for admission, parking, food or entertainment. The festival is brought to you every year by the Port of Whitman County, your Port on the Palouse.
Meet you at the river June 14, 2025!
For more information or to learn how to get involved,
email us or call the Port at 509-397-3791.