March 20, 2025
Regan Meyer
Port of Whitman County Awarded $2.1 Million CERB Loan for Tekoa Development

Port to build infrastructure for industrial park in Tekoa, WA

Tekoa — Today, the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) awarded the Port of Whitman County a $2.1 million Ioan for industrial development in Tekoa. The project funding, including the Port’s match, totals $4.2 million and will be used to build the infrastructure necessary to support an industrial park. 

On an existing Port property north of Tekoa , the Port will develop five “shovel ready” lots. The CERB project will construct the infrastructure needed to serve those lots including grading and earthwork, water supply and distribution, drainage systems, sewer system management, utility extension, and construction of new building pads to be developed in the future. Plans also include construction of road improvements on the property and a right turn lane on SR-27. 

Once infrastructure updates are complete, private sector tenants will construct their own buildings on the site. A feasibility study in 2024 identified several industries that would be suitable for the Tekoa development including manufacturing and construction services. Port staff are engaging with other industries, including hydrogen companies, that can benefit from Tekoa’s proximity to major metropolitan areas.

“The Port is grateful to CERB for funding our project in Tekoa," Commission President Kristine Meyer said. "Providing a ‘shovel ready’ property is one way the Port supports the growth of the private sector in Whitman County. We are excited for the positive impact that the Tekoa property will have on the local economy.”

This is the first industrial property owned by the Port in northern Whitman County. The Port anticipates the project will be complete, and the lots ready for tenant development by December 2026.   


About the Tekoa Site Development Project

In 2023, the Port acquired a 15-acre property north of Tekoa, WA that previously served as a private air strip. The Port acquired the land to bring new employment and economic development opportunities to the northeast area of Whitman County, which has not seen significant new growth in recent years. In 2024, the Port conducted a feasibility study to determine the potential outcomes of the project. The study found that Whitman, Latah, Spokane, and Benewah Counties could benefit by gaining 205 jobs and $15.1 million in annual earnings.

About the Port of Whitman County

The Port of Whitman County is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all citizens of Whitman County through industrial real estate development, preservation of multi-modal transportation, facilitation of economic development and provision of on-water recreational opportunities. For more information about Port properties and ongoing projects visit the Port website,